Monday, April 13, 2009

Inkedspirational Blog Candy!

Wow, there's so much Blog Candy on offer at the moment - here's another fabulous giveaway!

I checked out this great blog of Jodi's - Inked Inspirations and fell in love with her fantastic cards.
She uses all sorts of stamps and some of them are just so cute! Why don't you pop on over to check them out for yourself - you won't be disappointed! Here's the link to her site.

I have been looking through her blog and there's so much to see that I'm only a short way through it - I've been getting some great inspiration from her creations as I have similar stamps and now have new ways of using them!

That's what's so hard about 'blurfing' - when I find a great site, I spend ages just looking through everything on it instead of sitting down and creating some of my own designs! However, I do find lots of new ideas and techniques along with tips and helpful hints so that all adds to my creativeness as well.

It's wonderful to share all this creativity with everyone in the crafting world.

Well, 'bye for now - see you all again soon.

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Thank you for taking the time to leave your comments about my creations - I appreciate every one. Cheers, Ramona.